It’s the sp-sp-spoooookiest time of year, and to celebrate, we’re bringing you CLICK OR TREAT! Two episodes of Hugging and Learning that feature suprise sounds, excellent giveaways, triple the snacks, and a Very Special Prize Package for one lucky listener! Check out for all the details. So strap on your costume, hold on to your seasonal treats, and join us as we journey into a “Family Matters” world that’s pleasantly familiar… until a rage-filled puppet named Stevil shows up! Muahahahahaha!
Show: FAMILY MATTERS \\ “Stevil,” Season 8, Episode 7
Air Date: October 25, 1996
Find it: On Hulu
- Sweet: Count Chocula Cereal
- Spooky: Stonewall Kitchen Ghostpepper Queso
- Homemade: Stevil Cookies (made by Andrew)
Further Reading: