Chelsea and Andy continue our in-depth and serious exploration of the depiction of punk and rock music in popular media — with a cartoon created to sell action figures. Joined by Very Special Guests Garrett and Lane Nobriga of the LA-based metal band Altered Revelations, we tackle the tough questions: Is there really only one terrorist org in the whole world? What is the third girl’s name? And how does 50 Cent factor into all this? And we’re finally able to utter that immortal phrase: Yo, Jo(seph Campbell)!
Show: GI JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO \\ “Cold Slither,” Season 1, Episode 51
Air Date: December 2, 1985
Very Special Guests: Garrett and Lane Nobriga of the band Altered Revelations
Find it: on Amazon Prime Video ($2.99 to buy)
Snack: Golden Oreos
Further Reading: