In their first foray into the world of action drama and mullets, Chelsea and Andrew follow Angus MacGyver as he tries to single-handedly save his young friend, stop black rhino poaching in its abominable tracks, AND enjoy his trip to stock footage of Africa. Jeepin’ ain’t easy, but MacGyver’s mullet makes it look good. Adopt a rhino! Name it MacGyver! Learn science and then use it to come up with waterslide-based plans of action! The exhortations are seemingly endless. ***AND we draw the winner of the Click-or-Treat Very Special Prize Package!!***
Show: MACGYVER \\ “Black Rhino,” Season 5, Episode 8
Air Date: November 13, 1989
Special Guest Star: Cuba Gooding, Jr. (kind of…)
Find it: on Amazon Prime Video (included)
Snack: Sweet Heat Spicy Skittles
Further Reading: